Yoga Clothing & Yoga Gear

Yoga Clothing & Yoga Gear

There are a few basic things you will need for yoga and depending on where you practice, you may not need all of these things. This will seem foreign to you at first, but after awhile, you will start to gain a preference for certain mats, clothing and gear just like you do for other daily activities.

Yoga Mats

Picking a yoga mat can be very simple, you just have to narrow down your choices. If you are not over 6 feet, then a standard 68" mat will work find. They range in thickness, so if you have joint problems or feel that you need extra cushioning, pick up a thick yoga mat. Starting out, you don't need anything super fancy or expensive. The gym of class you workout in may provide mats for you, but it is recommended that you pick up your own for sanitary reasons.


Yoga towels are important to have because you will get sweaty and perspire while doing yoga. Your towel can be used to wipe the sweat from your body as well as the sweat on your mat. If your mat gets wet, it can be very slippery so keeping a towel handy is a good idea. wiping your mat down after yoga is also important for sanitary purposes.

Yoga Props

Yoga Props are fantastic for beginners and are highly recommended. Props can help a beginning yoga student who is not flexible enough yet or to ensure that you have proper body alignment. Some styles of yoga also require the use of props so if you are starting out, it doesn't hurt to ask. The following is a list of common yoga props that you may see or need:
  • Straps - are great for reaching parts of your body you might not be flexible enough to reach or to hold harder positions. Straps are specifically designed for beginners because it can be very difficult to do yoga when you are not flexible.
  • Blocks & Bricks - designed for doing extensions when you can't reach the floor. Again, this goes back to flexibility. The blocks and bricks act as an extension of your limbs while ensuring proper body alignment and increasing stability while holding yoga positions.
  • Blankets - used primarily for hip elevation while in the seated or laying down positions. The blankets are also used for covering the body during the cool down phase of class.
  • Yoga Balls - these are purely optional and are not typically used, but they might be. The come in 3 sizes depending on your height. The yoga balls can help with stability, balance and strength.
  • Bolsters - if you need extra support, especially when doing restorative yoga, bolsters are a must have. They are also great for prenancy yoga.


What to Expect Your First Day

These guidelines are mostly for those who are taking a yoga class, at home practice does not require as much etiquette because you will be doing all of your yoga solo.

Be Prepared

  • Do you need to bring your own equipment or is it provided? (i.e. mats, towels)
  • What time does the class start and how early should you arrive? You should also find out how long the class is to plan accordingly. Yoga should not be rushed, but they do offer classes for busy people.
  • Clothing. Ask what you should wear, but typically you can pick up yoga clothes or if you are on a budget use something you have that is comfortable and you can move freely in.

Typical Class Routine

  • Pre-yoga Stretching
  • Breathing Exercises to get the body relaxed and focused
  • Warm-up Positions
  • Workout yoga positions
  • Relaxation Cool-down period
For the most part, each class will be structured this way, but may vary depending on the type/style of yoga you have chosen. Keep in mind that your first few sessions may cause your body to become sore or stiff. This is normal and will subside if you continue your classes. If you feel your flexibility is not where it should be, you may consider stretching at home to loosen up before class.


  • Take off your shoes before entering the workout area
  • Power off all electronic devices, the last thing you want is your cell phone going off during class
  • Be on time or early
  • Try to do the poses, if you can't, do one you can do and hold it
  • Never leave class early, it disrupts others and you'll miss your final relaxation

Types of Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

Bikram Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga (Power Yoga)

Iyengar Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

Restorative Yoga



Leggings, Spandex, Yoga, Fitness


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